Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Marian Mantle Online Prayer Group Update
November 4, 2005

We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]



Hi, Everyone,

We had a great time at Holy Angels in Basehor.  What a neat group of people, what a great parish hall they have, and what delicious goodies they served.  Bob wants to go back when they have a church picnic!  

      The 13th of this month we make a return visit to St. Joseph’s in Shawnee.  Hope you are able to come to one or both.  If you do, please stop and say hi.

     If you know of someone who is not receiving this email and would like to receive it or has submitted their email and still doesn’t get the message, please let me know and send their email address.  Sometimes they get copied incorrectly.

     Once more this group has answered my call for help.  As I said before, it’s just more proof that this ministry cannot function with just one person.  I asked for readers for the prayer service at Holy Angels and  I asked for someone to volunteer to pray during the presentation.  My thanks to Charlene, Jennifer, Bill, Becky, and Leona who read for the prayer service and to Tim and Elizabeth who prayed during the presentation time.  Prayer is the key to all that we do.  The existing Silent Strength prayer group at St. Josephs will read the prayer service that afternoon.  However, I still need a couple of prayer warriors, so if you can do this, please let me know.  You do not have to attend the presentation to pray for us—you can do it from your own home.

     If you live in the Hutchinson area and would like to find out more about the two prayer groups that have formed there –one at Holy Cross and one at St. Teresa’s-please contact Barbara by email .  Let us say a prayer for all our prayer group coordinators.  They are so faithful and keep us all coming together in prayer for all our beloved prodigals.

            Since Sheila has moved, those of you who relied on her bookstore as a source of the Prayers for Prodigals books and prayer cards can call, email, or write to us and we will try to fill your orders in 24-48 hours, if possible.  I would guarantee that we would except nowadays things (Me J) move a little slower because I can’t do all that it takes to get something in the mail immediately.  If you ever place and order and haven’t received it in a week, call me right away.  To order from Marian Mantle Group by email at , by phone 913-526-8977, or by postal mail:  Marian Mantle Group, PO Box 434, Gardner, KS  66085.  If you need something in a real hurry, we will even meet you somewhere—like your church parking lot,  if you live in the Kansas City area.

     Prayers continue to be answered as you will read in the letters to the editor.  May yours and mine be answered, too.

     Our thanks and prayers this Thanksgiving go to all our prayer group coordinators who keep those prayer groups on fire.  Ask your prayer group coordinator or leader if he/she has email and is receiving this publication with the prayer requests.  If not, please have them email me or send me their email address so I can include them.  If they do not have email, consider volunteering to be their representative online and printing this to give them.  The best way I can stay in touch with the prayer group coordinators is by email, so if you are their representative, I will send messages through you in the future.

    Be sure to read the What’s New section today to learn about the Large Print items you have been asking for and where to find them.  Perhaps your local bookstore would be interested in stocking a few copies. Remember, you can always order them straight from the Marian Mantle Group, too.       

     Meanwhile, may God give us all the Grace to pray with the perseverance of St. Monica and the unconditional love of the father of the Prodigal Son.

     May God bless all of us and grant us His Peace. 



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My son had a very bad weekend last week, but with all the prayers he has made it to the first step. He has finally begun to realize that he needs help. He finally went to an AA meeting. We have talked a lot the last few days about Our Dear Lord and how the power of prayer has started to work in his life. He has been spending the night at our home and his Dad and I have spent time talking to him. He knows my life has been going to prayer group and praying for him. I feel like this is a new beginning for this son of ours. He's knows it's a lifetime commitment, and that he needs help. I think he seems to be thinking about all this in a different mind set. Wow!! I know he needs more prayers now, so can you please put this request on the online prayer group. Thank you MaryAnn for helping me find my silent strength.   ~anonymous



My son has just left again for an AA meeting and I praise the Dear Lord! Every time he goes to a meeting my heart is so filled with thanksgiving for all the great things the Lord has done for all of us. I can't believe all that is happening by just opening up my mind and heart. Our Blessed Mother knows what is in all our minds and hearts and it is truly what you speak of when you give your talks. Keep it going MaryAnn for you are doing a very needed ministry.  ~anonymous


NOTE FROM MARYANN:  Of course, I love to get such letters.  However, let’s always remember, I do nothing but speak words and tell stories. If I had the power to change anything, all our prodigals would have already returned! It's your ears that hear the message and take it to your heart.  You, the Blessed Mother, and the Lord take it from there.  It's that circle of love with you, Jesus, and Mary, wherein the wonderful surprise of prayer and faith make miracles happen.  Again, we wonder how long does it take?  Why longer for some than for others?  Only God knows those answers.  Somehow we have to have faith and trust that it's all in His plan and He knows what He is doing.  Once a prodigal begins to come home we must pray all the more that he/she has the strength and courage to stay strong.  We must also pray for ourselves that if a step backward happens, we will continue to have that same faith, trust, and silent strength to love unconditionally and persevere in our intercessory prayer.



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"Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.” ~ Matthew 7:7-11



Today we pray we may all become Christian jack-o-lanterns.  We ask God to pick us from the patch, bring us inside, and wash off all the dirt we may have gotten from other pumpkins.  We ask Him to begin a new work in us.  So, He scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed.  And then, He carves us a new smiling face and puts His light inside of us to shine for all the world to see.  ~author unknown


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