The National Marian Mantle Group

 "Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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Reports of Answered Prayer, Praise, & Thanksgiving

To help us persevere in prayer and hope, we share some of the reports of answered prayer we receive. For privacy, no names are used. If you have news, please let us know .

All reports are as we received them from our members.
In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII, October 30, 1625,
we state that the authenticity of all reports of answered prayer
published on this web site rests solely
upon the human word of the person reporting.

I told you awhile back that I would tell you of some events in our family soon. Sorry for the delay. In 2001, our oldest of 5 children was arrested on drug charges. He was sentenced to 6 months in a live-in Salvation Army drug treatment program. Thus, he ended  23 years of drug making, selling, and taking. This was before we knew of the Marian Mantle Group. He is now married, has a new baby (7 months), gainfully employed, very active in Couples for Christ. Since we have been with the Marian Mantle Group, 2 more of our children have returned to church. This makes praying the rosary every night more meaningful. Last Ash Wednesday, when I heard that our eldest daughter went to services, I was absolutely floored. Then when I heard she went to the Cathedral in Sacramento to the Lenten Communal Reconcilation service, I just couldn't hold back the tears. Now we have 2 more to go. One is totally away and says she doesn't believe anymore. The other, I'm not sure where he stands. I thank Fr David for introducing us to you and your group.
St Monica - Wisconsin  
 St Monica has been a blessing for me.  My son was very far from the Church and even from God.  I asked St monica for her prayers and he is now a wonderful man of God.  God worked through his wife who was also very agnostic.  Something moved her and within a year they had their marriage blessed and were back in the Church.  He is even a 4th degree Knight of Columbus.  had I been asked if this were possible I'm sure I would have been skeptical but shame on me.  ALL things are possible with God who never ceases to amaze me with His mercy.
Good News:  A very dear person I know left the church when she married her husband many years ago.  Her daughter married a Catholic and through the RCIA program became a Catholic before she married.  Now my dear friend told me that her son is dating a very wonderful Catholic girl and he also is taking Catholic instructions.  Now for my Friend, may the Holy Spirit give her the grace to follow her children. 

A Kansas Prayer Group Coordinator


You mentioned Pentecost miracles.  One of my dear friends in our prayer group has had the annulment of her previous marriage granted after more than 30 years of trying to get this done.  She visited with our bishop a while back and he told her it would be accomplished by Pentecost.  She got word a few days after Pentecost Sunday.  This same woman saw a Christmas miracle when her sister returned to the Sacraments.  God is working! 


My son Thomas has started to go back to church and now wants to baptize his two little ones. :)


My oldest daughter called on Good Friday asking if I knew when church services were held...That's a small, but positive step!!!  I truly believe our prayers will be answered.


 My friend's mother returned to the church after 40 years and now has her own hour of adoration


Although my friend's children are still away from the church, her sister has returned to the practice of the faith


I attend the prayer meeting at my church.  It is starting to have effects on my son and his wife.  I'm so happy.  Thank you again, and I sure enjoy those prayer meetings. 


I just wanted to let you know that God does indeed work in mysterious ways. My brother, who left without telling anyone where he went, came home. His journey took him to a Catholic Church a couple states away, where he was able to receive the sacrament on Confession (the first in many many years). So thank you to everyone who prayed for my family and please continue to do so.

Our Lady has been busy.  We hold our prayer meetings in the rectory basement.  At our last meeting, we said a special prayer that Mary would hear and answer our prayers.  We were saying the Joyful Mysteries.  On the second decade, the Visitation, one of our members say a vision of Our Lady.  She was smiling.  The member was too moved to tell us until after our meeting.  WE feel she was very blessed.  We are grateful that Mary chose to give us a sign that she was listening to our prayer.  God Bless

Good News! My Godson and wife are talking about having a church wedding in fall! 

I am with the St. Teresa group that meets on Thursday evenings. I always look forward to our prayer group. I always leave there uplifted. I feel we have all grown so close to each other. I thank God for bringing Barbara Sanborn into my life. She is such a beautiful person and a true friend. God bless you.  
Shortly after I joined this prayer group, I told my mom about it, and a short time later I called her after one of our prayer sessions, and she was pretty excited. My niece asked a parishioner in her town when they had Mass. She would like to start going so her children could be raised in the Catholic Church. This last weekend my sister said she was going to try to go in and help her get started going to church. Nothing has happened yet, but they are definitely filled with the idea and intention. When I started praying with this group, I never even thought about them, but then God does work in mysterious ways. God bless you!   
After hearing MaryAnn speak my mom began the rosary novena. My sister and family have been coming to mass for several weeks now.

I am filled with hope and gratefulness as my daughter and her husband are returning to the church. Her teenage children are baptized Catholics, but had no Catholic education, nor have they received any of the other sacraments. They are both now enrolled in classes for confirmation and hopefully will receive first Reconciliation and Communion in the next several months. I pray, and ask for prayers that this all goes well.


My son and his wife decided to attend midnight mass with the family on Christmas. Last year we sent them an email telling them we’d love to have them with us if they ever decided they would like to come along. We have said nothing else about it, but have been praying the rosary novena for their return to the Church for over a year. Don’t know what they will do after Christmas, but this is a start of answered prayer.


Shortly after I joined this group, I told my mom about it. I called her after one of our prayer sessions, and she was excited. My niece said she would like to start going [to mass] so her children could be raised in the Catholic Church. They are definitely filled with the idea and intention. When I started praying with this group, I never even thought about them, but then God does work in mysterious ways.


My daughter and husband are attending mass regularly again. I’ve done or said nothing but began to pray, pray, pray! Praise God!

My cousin who had married outside the Church 42 years ago, has returned after the death of her husband. She began her road back by praying the rosary.